ASW 1000
Active Subwoofer
Product Summary
The ASW 1000 features a 120w built in amplifier with a 12-inch low-frequency long
throw driver. As part of your home cinema system the ASW 1000 will truly enhance your
listening pleasure, as it underpins the higher frequencies with a fast and articulate bass
The ASW 1000 adds the deep bass territory to B&W 's search for perfect sound
reproduction. This active subwoofer is designed to reproduce the slamming, precision bass
that is important to home cinema. Operating is easy with signal sensing 'auto turn on'.
Technical highlights
Flowport™: Golf ball aerodynamics theory points the way towards lower
distortion reflex ports. Dimples improve the way the air flows over the surface of
any object. In the case of reflex ports, they offer a significant improvement over
simply flaring the port ends in reducing air flow turbulence at each end of the
port; so you get less chuffing noise and less compression at high sound levels.
Subwoofer of the Yea r, over $ 1 00 0
1 99 8 -1 99 9 Sound a nd
Ima ge Awa rds Australia
De scrip tio n
Drive Un it
Active vented-box subwoofer system with
magnetic shielding
30kg (66lb)
N e t W e igh t
Dim e n sio n s
Height: 460mm
Width: 540mm
Depth: 500mm
1 x 300mm (12in) dia long-throw
Fre q u e n cy re sp o n se ± 3dB 25Hz – 40/ 140Hz adjutable
In p u t im p e da n ce
Am p lifie r
Cabinet: Black Ash vinyl
Grille: Black cloth
Fin ish e s
120W continuous
70 litres
In te rn a l Vo lu m e
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
w w w .b w sp e a k e rs.co m
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